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Arizona Opera Cast Members & Creatives

Andrew Gilstrap

Andrew Gilstrap is quickly rising to be one of the premiere bass-baritones of his generation, known for his dramatic interpretations and musical sophistication. He is an alumnus of the respective studios/apprentice programs of the Bayerische Staatsoper, Des Moines Metro Opera, Minnesota Opera, and Wolf Trap Opera. Career highlights include the roles of Leporello in Don Giovanni with Wolf Trap Opera, Antonio in The Marriage of Figaro and Il padre di Nencio in L’infedeltà delusa with the Bayerische Staatsoper, Basilio in The Barber of Seville, and Immigration Officer in Flight with Minnesota Opera, and Sourin in Pique Dame with Des Moines Metro Opera. This year, he performed the roles of Horace Derwent in The Shining and Masetto in Don Giovanni with The Atlanta Opera. Gilstrap will make multiple concert debuts this season, namely in Frankenstein with The Atlanta Opera, Messiah with the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera, and Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem with the Georgia Tech Symphony Orchestra. He will also appear in Atlanta Opera’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream this season in the role of Starveling. Gilstrap holds degrees from the University of Houston’s Moores School of Music, where he studied with Timothy Jones. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music in 2016 and a Master of Music in 2018. In his spare time, Gilstrap enjoys cooking and baking for his family and long walks with his Yorkie mix, Westley.


Past Seasons