Bold. Brave. Brilliant.

The Lavender Scare, Then and Now

Monday, October 7, 2019 - 7:00 PM (Phoenix)

The opera Fellow Travelers takes place in a dark time in American history known as the Lavender Scare, in which homosexual government employees were forced out of their jobs based on their sexuality. In preparation for upcoming performances of the opera, Arizona Opera partners with ONE Community, The Herberger Theater Center, Arizona State University Center for Jewish Studies, GLSEN Phoenix, and one n ten to host a panel discussion with LGBTQ advocates and historians about this critical time in our country’s history, how rights for the LGBTQ members of our community have evolved since then, as well as the challenges we are currently facing. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A and reception.

Panelists include:

Madelaine Adelman – Professor, ASU School of Social Transformation & Founder and Board Member, GLSEN Phoenix

Linda Hirshman – Best-selling author of Sisters in Law and Victory: The Triumphant Gay Revolution

Angela Hughey – President, ONE Community & ONE Community Foundation

Nate Rhoton – Executive Director, one n ten