Bold. Brave. Brilliant.

A History of Western Music - Part 2

Secular Explosions
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - 7:00 PM (Phoenix)

Arizona Opera's Director of Education hosts part two of a four-session class to discuss the history of western music and how it expresses the world throughout the ages.

Western music is an integral part of our culture, but rarely do we take the time to learn about how motets, symphonies, operas, nocturnes, musicals and more came to be. In this four-part series, join Joshua Borths, Director of Education at Arizona Opera, on a journey from the music of ancient Greece to the songs of today. Celebrate the sounds of the past, and what they reveal about the world we live in right now.

Part 2: Secular Explosions. 

The baroque saw the birth of what we understand today as "Western music." Listen and learn how the baroque masters perfected their craft and catapulted their emotional music headlong into the classical era.

Part 1: Sacred Beginnings? »
Part 2: Secular Explosions
Part 3: Emotional Resonances »
Part 4: Modern Extremes »

