Bold. Brave. Brilliant.

Student Night at the Opera

Shining Brow
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 7:00 PM (Phoenix)

Special tickets are available for the final dress rehearsal for every Main Stage opera. These nights are reserved specifically for students to get swept away by great music and stories - while enhancing classroom learning. These nights are open to schools, homeschool groups, student community centers, families, college students, and more!

Rating: This performance is rated PG-13 (High School and up) - please reach out for more information regarding this rating
Grade Level: High School and  up
Cost: Title 1 schools - Free
Non-Title 1 schools - $5/student including College, $10/chaperone

Chaperone Requirement: One supervising chaperone per 10 students required (complementary ticket provided). Additional adult tickets must be requested and approved by Arizona Opera.