Media Outlet: Altpick

Founded in 1991, The Alternative Pick commenced with a clear mission, providing creative buyers with a vehicle to source the best, brightest and most exciting illustrators, photographers and designers in the business. The Alternative Pick sourcebook became the outlet for cutting-edge commercial talent, offering a unique platform for artists to showcase their work. To meet the demands of an ever-changing industry, was launched in 1996.
The Alternative Pick provides a vehicle for talent to utilize the web to connect more effectively with buyers. The Alternative Pick Deck has replaced their sourcebook, offering a fun and engaging format for locating leading commercial artists. In addition, the Altpick Awards introduces yet another way to provide a platform for talent to shine. In 2015, they marked their 23rd anniversary as the premier source for creative professionals and they plan to continue to push the envelope, providing the best vehicle for buyers to connect with creative talent.