Media Outlet: Desert Leaf

In the Desert Leaf you can read about local history, desert gardening and wildlife, area politics, wine, food, healthy living, the hottest fashions, timely environmental issues, money management, the latest news from Catalina Foothills and Tanque Verde Unified school districts, as well as the offerings of Tucson's dynamic theater and music communities.
Desert Leaf writers have followed the University of Arizona's search for extraterrestrials, biked the Silk Road across Asia, climbed the world's highest mountains, lived off the power grid, contemplated the "art" of death in Parisian cemeteries, and studied marine life on the beaches of Puerto Penasco. They have taken their readers to Greek islands, Spanish castles, Peru's Machu Picchu and South Africa's Cape of Good Hope. On their pages, readers have also toured the coffee plantations of Columbia, cruised Russian rivers, and walked the glaciers of Greenland.