Bold. Brave. Brilliant.
Music and libretto by Héctor Armienta


1811- The embers of revolution in Spain have begun to spread to new Spain. Diego de la Vega, a trained swordsman, must now return to his childhood home in Alta, California. It is there that he will be forced to choose between the power that he was born into as a young man of Spanish nobility or the righteous power of the poor and enslaved. At last, he will discover his true destiny and the name of Zorro will be forever etched in stone and in legend (or memory)…



1811, Spain

The action begins within the Mountain Fortress of the Order of Zazueta. A scholarly student named Diego trains to become a master swordsman and a skilled marksman. One fateful day, his enlightened master puts him to a final test by master students. He defeats them all and Zarzueta carves a letter “Z” into his upper arm and sends him back to the place of his birth in Alta, California. There it is said he will find his destiny and give the Order a new life.


Reina de Los Ángeles (outskirts of the Puebla)

The poor are working in the fields. They lament their tragic lives but still cling onto hope for a better day.

Diego arrives from his long voyage and enters the plaza. He encounters Carlotta, whom he was once romantically involved with while in Sevilla, Spain. Ana Maria, Diego’s childhood friend, appears (much to Carlotta’s dismay). Diego promises to catch up with her later in the day. Carlotta takes Diego to meet the new Alcalde, Moncada.


Moncada’s Office

General Moncada is torturing a young man. Sergeant Gomez enters and announces to Moncada that he has guests. The prisoner is removed and Gomez leaves after he escorts Diego and Carlotta inside. Through their conversation, Carlotta quickly learns that Diego and Moncada were once friends at a Military Cadet school in Spain. Afterwards. Carlotta invites Diego to the masquerade ball the following evening. He promises to attend and they both leave. Gomez enters the office with a letter from the Viceroy, giving Moncada full permission to enforce the brutal El Sistema de Castas.


The Plaza

Gomez enters as two of his soldiers bring him Don Francisco, a local drunk whom they’ve arrested. Gomez and the soldiers complain about their uneventful life, but hope for a better future.


A street in el pueblo

Ana Maria and Luisa have finished giving food to the poor. Luisa is saddened by the people’s desperation, but Ana María holds hope that revolution will come to Alta California. Luisa leaves. Unbeknownst to Ana Maria, Diego enters. She finally sees him and they reminisce about their childhood together. Diego gives her a gift (a handkerchief) he brought from Spain and invites her to the masquerade ball, but she firmly reminds him that Mestizas are not welcomed to such lavish social events.

Diego tells her that the Hacendados (land owners), like his deceased father, will never change and that there might be a better life for them somewhere else, but Ana Maria tells him that she could never leave those that need her the most - the poor. He becomes upset with her and leaves, but tells her that he hopes she will still join him at the ball. Ana Maria accidentally leaves behind Diego’s handkerchief, and Carlotta, who was hiding in the shadows, enters and takes it with her.


Courtyard of the De La Vega Estate (Same Day)

The scene opens with Toypurina, who has been taking care of the estate since Diego’s father passed away, is knitting. Luisa, a servant, complains about her dreary life. She dreams of one day meeting the right man. Diego enters and Luisa leaves. Diego asks how her father died. She tells him that they said it was a heart attack, but she believes evil forces were to blame. She shares with him that in his last years he understood the plight of the poor and left him a sword to wield in the name of justice.


Montage Scene

As the Annual Masquerade ball approaches, Diego, Moncada, Carlotta, and Ana Maria contemplate on what the future might hold.


Masquerade Ball in the Plaza (Evening – A week later)

The hacendados and their wives are dancing and enjoying the evening’s festivities. Carlotta enters and looks around the plaza hoping to see Diego, but cannot find him. Luisa soon spots Sergeant Gomez, and finds that there is instant chemistry between the two of them. Diego, dressed in costume, arrives at the ball and walks over to Ana Maria. They interact, but she is completely unaware of this masked gentleman before her.

The guests, including Ana Maria and Diego, perform a fiery flamenco dance titled El Zorro, and when it concludes, Moncada arrives. Diego momentarily disappears. Moncada announces his plans to bring “order” back to Alta California and one of the soldiers brings in a tortured prisoner. Ana Maria yells “asesino” and Diego (now dressed in full costume as Zorro with sword in hand) enters. A fight ensues and before Zorro leaves, he makes the mark of Z on the plaza wall.



Reina de Los Angeles (outskirts of the Puebla and in the Plaza)

As Moncada’s terror reigns, Zorro continues to come to the aid of the poor and battle his soldiers. With each new victory, he leaves the mark of “Z” behind. The scene opens as Diego/Zorro joins forces with Ana Maria to defeat soldiers that were chasing her. The two have a flirtatious exchange and Zorro professes his undying devotion to her. She admits her mutual attraction, but tells him that her heart belongs to another. He leaves the scene and changes back into his regular clothes.

Ana Maria sees Diego and asks him where he was at the masquerade ball the other night when her life was in peril. He tries to kiss her, but the conversation shifts to Padre Hidalgo, the father of Mexican independence. As they discuss the revolution, they profess their love for one another, and Diego promises to take her away from the madness around them later that night. He tells her to wait for him at the old chapel.


Moncada’s Office

Moncada reprimands Gomez for failing to capture Zorro. Carlotta tells him that he won’t be found and that the poor adore him and despise the General for his abject cruelty. A soldier enters and hands Moncada a note. He reads it and leaves it on his desk. When Carlotta asks what it says, Moncada reveals they have found her hiding place.

Summoned by Moncada, Diego enters. Suspecting that Diego is Zorro, Moncada challenges Diego to a fencing duel and accuses him of being Zorro. With all his might, Moncada attacks. Diego, aware that he can not reveal his true identity, allows Moncada to injure him. Bewildered and confused, Moncada leaves in disgust.

Carlotta tends to the wound and Diego shares that he is in love with Ana Maria. Trying best to hide her true feelings, she wishes him happiness and Diego leaves. Devastated, she weeps for the long lost love that never was to be. She picks up the letter Moncada had left on his desk and decides to warn Ana Maria. She's unaware that Moncada was secretly watching her from afar.


Gomez’s Bedroom

Luisa and Gomez confess their passion for one another. She imagines a life of leisure with new clothes and shoes that do not have holes in their soles — a life where they both rub elbows with high society. They promise to love one another forever and as a team, build a life together.


The Chapel

Carlotta pounds on the chapel door Ana Maria opens it and Carlotta tells her Moncada is coming to arrest her. Carlotta begs her to leave with her, but Ana Maria is waiting for Diego. Confused by Carlotta’s motive, Carlotta confesses she still loves Diego. She pulls out the handkerchief Ana Maria dropped earlier and gives it to her. Ana Maria promises to always be true to Diego and agrees to leave with her. They both go inside the chapel.

When Ana Maria goes into a room to fetch her belongings, Moncada enters the chapel. As he advances towards her, Carlotta warns him that she will destroy him if he harms Ana Maria. The General touches her cheek, and she slaps him hard, scarring his face with her ring. He says that he will forgive this minor indiscretion if she agrees to marry him and be his prize possession; however, she refuses, and he takes out his dagger and stabs her while kissing her violently.

Ana Maria reappears and runs to Carlotta's aid. She grabs the dagger to attack him, but Moncada overpowers her. She drops her weapon and Moncada makes clear he will blame her for Carlotta’s death. Moncada takes her away. With her own blood, Carlotta writes Moncada’s name on the handkerchief.

Diego and Toypurina enter the chapel and find Carlotta dying on the floor with the handkerchief in her hands. She gives him the cloth and he reads what she wrote on it. Carlotta requests that he look at her one last time, so that she might see her reflection in his eyes, and then she dies. He vows vengeance, but Toypurina calms his anger and tells him that his destiny is to bring hope where there is none — to bring light like a rising sun and be the star that casts away the darkness.


The Plaza at Dawn

Tortured, bruised and battered, Ana Maria stands in front of a firing squad. With Sergeant Gomez looking on, Moncada falsely accuses her of the murder of Carlotta de Obragon but Ana Maria remains defiant.The General asks Gomez to do the honors and when he refuses, Moncada orders that they both be put to death. A small group of peasants arrive in the plaza and Zorro appears holding the bloody handkerchief with the name of Carlotta’s assassin. Taunted by Moncada to reveal his identity, Zorro slowly lowers his mask and shouts that this will all end today. Diego puts the mask back on and a great battle ensues before Moncada is fatally pierced with the sword and Ana Maria is saved. Zorro lives to fight another day and defend the oppressed.